Luis Daniel Assulfi


Former civil enginner - Aspiring Software Engineer

Java - JavaWeb - MySQL - Mobile (Android)

My Habilities

Java Desktop


Android Applications

Java Web

Visual Basic for Applications

About me

My name is Luis Daniel Assulfi. I'm a former civil engineer graduated at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). I have post-graduation in mechanical engineer with emphasys in structural analysis and structural design at UNISAL. I'm also studying for another post-graduation in Project Management at UNISAL and Software Enginner at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP).


There are some of my projects! I hope you enjoy! :D

App Meus Números da Sorte

Android App developed with Android Studio. This app gives to the users numbers for a brazilian lotery called "Mega Sena"

App Hora do Remédio

Android App developed with Android Studio. In this app the user can create a list of all medicines that the user needs, set the time to take medicine and the duration needed.

App Orçamento de Capital

Android App developed with Android Studio. This app is very useful for decision making process for projects by calculating it's present value, the internal return rate and payback.

Contact me

/luisdaniel.assulfi /Luis Daniel Assulfi /lassulfi